Do you want to start a WordPress blog the right way? We know that starting a blog can be a terrifying thought specially when.
The process is easy to follow whether you are 20 years old or 60 years old. However, if you need help, our expert team will help you set up your blog for free. → Click Here to Get Your Free WordPress Blog Setup! ←

Starting a blog is the best way to share your ideas and expertise online. Or expand your online business. It’s the great tool to promote your personal brand or business. You can also make money from your blog Luckily, in 2018, creating a blog is easier than ever. I’ll guide you through everything with images, so you get your blog started today.

A lot of people have already used the WebsiteSetup.org instructions to start their own websites and blogs, so I’ve probably answered every question you might have here (my inbox has 8700 emails)
But if you get stuck with anything, feel free to contact me, and I’ll help.
Following these instructions will likely take less than 20 minutes.

However, choosing a domain name and the blog’s theme (which determines how it looks) could take a while if you don’t yet know what you want them to be. Lastly, creating quality content that your potential readers want to read can take even more time. For example, it took me more than 72 hours to put this piece of content together (including images and videos). Overall, blogging doesn’t have to take much time. It’s completely up to you to decide how seriously you want to take it.

What do you need to start a WordPress blog?

There are three things you need to start a WordPress blog:
  1. A domain name idea (this will be the name of your blog i.e wpbeginner.com)
  2. A web hosting account (this is where your website live on the internet)
  3. Your undivided attention for 30 minutes.
Yes, you read it right. You can start a blog from scratch in less than 30 minutes, and we will walk you through the whole process, step by step.
In this tutorial, we will cover:
  • How to Register a Domain Name for Free
  • How to Choose the Best Web Hosting
  • How to Install WordPress
  • How to Change Your Theme
  • How to Write Your First Blog Post
  • How to Customize WordPress with Plugins
  • How to Make Money From Your Blog
  • Resources to Learn and master WordPress
This guide will help you to create a free website on Blogspot, you need not buy a domain and hosting services. Blogspot is a platform which allows you to build and host a website for free, it owns by Google so you do not have to worry about server downtime and other issues. Moreover, there are thousands of free blogger templates which you can use to give a professional look to your website. Let’s start with step by step guide for creating a website for free.

Step 1: Login to Blogger

Go to http://www.blogger.com/home and sign in with your Gmail id and password, if you don’t have an account then you can create it for free by clicking the “sign up” button at the top right corner as shown in the below screenshot. Blogger belongs to Google that’s the reason you would be needing a Gmail account for building a website on Blogspot.

Step 2: Confirm your profile

Once you are done with logging in with your Gmail credentials, you will be seeing a screen like the below one. Click on “Continue to Blogger“.

Step 3: Create a New Blog

It’s time to create a new website, click on New Blog button.

Step 4: Provide Website’s domain name and title

In this step, you would need to provide the title and address of your website. For example: If you want to build a website on books then the Address (It’s also known as Domain name and site’s URL) could be bestbooks.blogspot.com or itbooks.blogspot.com and the title can be Best IT Books Blog. You must know that since these domain names are free, they would be suffixed with blogspot.com by default. Blogspot also provides us the option of having custom domain names and we would see how to add custom domain names in this guide later.

The domain name must be unique so there are chances that the domain name you wanna choose is already registered. In that case, you just need to try a different domain name until unless the blue tick gets appeared on the right side of Address field as shown below.

Once it’s done, choose a template (you can choose any template at this point, you would be able to change it later at any point of time, we will show you how to do that) and click Create Blog!

Step 5: Start Blogging

By completing till step 4, you successfully own a website for free. Now, you can start posting posts/articles, click on start blogging!

Step 6: Visit your website

Give your website’s address in the browser and press enter. You would be presented with a website, which you own!!. Initially, you may not like the look and layout but we have not yet finished the tutorial, we will show you every single way to tweak your website, in order to make it look good and professional.

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